06 October 2008

Episode 10: Betty

This episode had me feel that I could finally understand Betty and her relationship with men better. I felt such sympathy for her as I realized how little of her life is formed separately from her relationship to the men in her life, and how much she desires to salvage the little she has, even as it is falling apart in front of her. Betty obviously tried for a long time to ignore the problems in her marriage, Don's infidelities, and their lack of a connection. Watching the connection with her father dissipate because of his dementia felt like watching the course of her relationship with Don over a much shorter period, starting with trying to cover up the small then increasingly large problems, and finally ending with a moment in which Betty abruptly recognizes she can't take it anymore.

Despite feeling that the meeting between Betty and her neighbor was contrived, it was interesting to watch Betty talk candidly about her failing relationship. This conversation highlighted for me that, despite her inability to stand entirely on her own, Betty is learning to fortify herself and look more frankly at her life.

Betty's decision to join Don on the floor and her behavior afterward epitomized her confusion. I loved that despite her approaching Don, by the next morning she was gone, dressed and holding onto the facade she needs to make it through the day. The facade of this character has chipped away, and watching what appears is captivating.

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