10 October 2008

Mad Men Goes Graphic

Apparently, there is a graphic artist who is creating desktop wallpapers of Mad Men scenes in her spare time. Some are pretty literal, some more interpretive. Either way, they are amusing. You can check it out here.

I found the following graphic, "Joan and the Xerox", to be interesting since it not only portrays the feeling of a scene, but also epitomizes Joan's role in the office.

The question is, what makes me more of a geek? My current Alan Lee depiction of Rivendell wallpaper, or having both a Mad Men blog and wallpaper? I'm not sure, but for now, I'll stick with Lord of the Rings.


D. Moe said...

In her spare time.

Thanks for the plug, though.

Cristin said...

Oops. Correction made.