06 October 2008

Episode 10: Sidetracked

Maybe it was because I was watching the episode through a headache-induced fog, but the feel and pacing of "The Inheritance" surprised me for an episode so late in the season. I have often thought of the movement of a season of Mad Men as similar to that of Six Feet Under in which the first third or half of the season sets up the rest of the season by introducing a number of conflicts and acquainting you with the current state of the characters. The second half contains more movement, story lines climax, and there is generally more action (or as much as you might get in this type of show). This episode, however, felt more like a set up episode from earlier in the season.

Ever since "The Gold Violin", this season has felt like it's heading more speedily toward a climax, and for two episodes I felt like everything was unraveling. This episode slowed that movement. I suspect the next episode, "The Jet Set", will deliver on some of the tensions created in "The Inheritance", especially between Don and Betty. For example, it appears that Don has given up on Betty, and I expect we will see more of the Don exhibited in his relationship with Bobbi this season. However, I still feel a bit sidetracked. I thought I knew where we were going with the season after "The Gold Violin", but many of the conflicts set forth in that episode have not since been seen.

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