15 October 2008

What I Liked About "The Jet Set"

I was quite frustrated by "The Jet Set" for all the reasons we have been discussing through comments this week. In the context of larger story lines, it felt like a step back. However, I decided there were also a few things I liked about the episode:

1. The title. "The Jet Set" conjures up images of a stylized 1960s. I'm definitely into that. I wish we had seen more of those images. When Don first arrives at the house Joy is staying in, it had that feeling to it. That was mostly it for those images.

2. In the last shot of Don, he is in the Mad Men pose from the opening credits. Nice touch!

3. Pete. Okay, I admit it. I enjoyed watching Pete enjoy his trip to California, being starstruck and generally in awe of being on a business trip. And an added bonus: he enjoyed himself while managing to never more rascally than to reschedule his meetings poolside.

4. Don calls someone and identifies himself as Dick Whitman. I know there are already a lot of mysteries to solve, but I'm into this one. Who did he call? Does that person know he is also known as Don Draper? Is this the person Don sent the letter to in Episode 1? My enthusiasm for this moment will quickly dwindle, however, if we do not see Don meeting with this person.

5. Joy's wardrobe. The women really do get to wear outstanding clothes on this show!


George said...

2. yes...i loved that they ended with this pose. i didn't see the cigarette though, like in the credits.
3. did it seem strange to anyone that at the end pete didn't seem to wonder where don was all week? maybe because he actually knows and is going to use the information to his advantage. they hinted that in next weeks scenes.
4. the way he so casually referred to himself as dick whitman on the phone definitely leads me to believe that he was talking to a person that he has some sort of regular communication with (definitely not someone who thinks he's been dead for however long).
maybe the real don draper's family? i mean, wouldn't they have to know?

Robin said...

1. Yes! Agreed on all counts. It also reminds me of the awesome Tammy Wynette song. Oh, We're not the jet set...
3. Oh, Pete. How I adore your dork-casual attire by the swimming pool.

I'd like to add that I thought the acting was outrageously good in the episode, from Jon Hamm in particular. Before he passed out by the pool, I really noticed that he had lost his dashing Don Draper edge, and the shlumpy way he walked in his rumpled suit was straight up Dick Whitman.

I was as shocked as anyone to hear him on the phone calling himself Dick Whitman, but I thought it was amazingly, subtly telegraphed by Hamm in earlier scenes.

Cristin said...

I was also amused by Pete's clothing, and thought his dress and demeanor at the pool highlighted how out of place he was on the West Coast. His type of awkward charming got him absolutely nowhere.

So right about Jon Hamm! I really took that for granted in this episode, but he was outstanding.

George said...


well...i saw him in a trailer for the day the earth stood still, so looks like jon hamm's movie career is starting up.

did he have to choose a remake of an already good movie though?