27 October 2008

Episode 13: "Meditations in an Emergency"

My head is spinning from last night's episode. It was brilliant, and the last for so long! I'm not even going to attempt to articulate anything yet, but I will say that I absolutely loved that the episode occurred during the Cuban Missile Crisis.


Robin said...

I love this show. I can't believe how many threads were addressed without this episode feeling rushed at all.

I loved the Cuban missile crisis as a backdrop for the merger and the characters' personal crises. I loved that Peggy confessed to Pete and not the priest. I loved watching Betty weigh her options, and the sadness in her (and Don) when they reconciled in the final scene.

And Pete. The single tear! It's killing me.

Is it just me, or did it look like Dick Whitman was ordering room service with those kids?

Cristin said...

I also loved that Peggy confessed to Pete. Confessing to someone directly related to the situation instead of her annoying priest makes so much more sense.

What an episode for Betty. I loved the ambiguity about why she chose to take Don back -- his note, her pregnancy, or that she got him back? I don't know, but I like it. Also, I thought J. Jones was great in the last scene adding such weight to the conversation and making me wonder if she is going confess her own infidelity or tell Don she is pregnant.

Duck's fall came so quickly! He truly showed his character when he snapped so easily after being challenged. And Don taking control of the situation again was masterful.

It's interesting to me that as much as Don can be dramatic in his professional life, his romantic gestures weren't any grander than a note on hotel stationery.

George said...

my favorite line, "i don't have a contract." i loved it, because we all knew it and knew that duck didn't. it was such satisfying to see duck fall apart.

i thought peggy's confession really showed her strength. she's come to terms with it much more than I feel they've led us to believe. also when she said, "if i wanted you, I could have had you" to pete. wow...she's come a long way.

betty is crazy, but I think we all knew that already. what's in store for her next I can't even imagine.

Cristin said...

I didn't feel like Betty was crazy in this episode. I'm very curious: why do you think she was?

George said...

her fling in that bar?

Cristin said...

oh, I didn't think that was crazy. It was revenge and an opportunity to break free from all the rules that dominate her life. Is Don crazy for having affairs?

After re-watching some of season 1, I have more sympathy for Betty. She had a larger life until she got trapped in the suburbs. She obviously isn't interested in being solely a wife and mom but doesn't have much of a choice.

George said...

would you call that an affair? i think throwing herself at some stranger in a bar to get revenge on don falls into the crazy catagory. the fact that she was then able to take him back only makes it crazier.

i agree that she isn't interested in solely being a wife and a mom, but i think her inability to choose or maybe that she feels like she doesn't have a choice is what's causing her to lose it.

we've seen her do a lot of odd things, this was just the latest. i guess what makes her character so interesting is that we have no idea what she'll do next (i don't think she knows either).

Unknown said...

Me, I've never thrown myself at a stranger in a bar...

I am dying to chime in on this episode -- stupid new job!